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Nytt hovedkontor

NFM bygger nytt hovedkontor i Ski med skytebaner

NFM skal i sine nye lokaler i Ski ha testskytebane samt en skytebane for demonstrasjon av sine Enhanced Combat Performance produkter.

Prosjektet styrker Obsima sin posisjon som leverandør av skudd og rikosjettsikring i det norske markedet. Leveransen vil foregå iht NS8417 hvor Obsima har ansvar for hele leveransen inkludert opplæring.


Enhanced Combat Performance - Personal Protection for the Modern Battlefield

NFM, founded in 1996, designs and produces protective equipment that enables the user to deploy his full capacity during combat, while staying protected. Our systems and products, based on the Scandinavian heritage of craftsmanship, are designed with the user in the centre and by continuously implementing a holistic and innovative approach to protection. 

Today, NFM has contracts with over 50 military and law enforcement agencies worldwide

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